Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Lazy Days

A bit of a different post from me today, sort of a chatty life update that I thought I’d share with you.

It’s been almost 3 weeks since my final A-Level Exam and I think it’s safe to say that I am finding it hard to adjust to what I guess is now “normal life”. Not that I wasn’t living a normal life before… basically, I mean a life without school, revision, homework and that constant inkling in the back of your mind that you could be doing something more productive. Does that make sense?

Honestly, the last three weeks have gone by so fast I’m not really sure what I did. I mean, I’ve been working a lot (I waitress at a local hotel) which I suppose is great, as I’m earning money, but I feel like I’m fighting a battle with myself: to spend the money and enjoy myself or to start saving for uni.

Speaking of university, I am so scared about results day. I have no clue what I will see when I open that all-important envelope in almost a month’s time. And since I don’t have any other major plans this summer, it is constantly playing on my mind. What if I don’t get in? What if I do? Either way: everything is going to change.

For the last two/three months I have been revising like there is no tomorrow and it feels really odd to just stop. But since my exams have finished it is nice to be able to just sit back and relax at home, spend time with friends and just have those generic lazy days to myself.

I am finally able to dedicate a few hours reading Vogue and my other favourite magazines, as before, I would skim through them and postick articles that I wanted to read later, knowing that I would never get around to it. I am enjoying watching the TV box sets I got for Christmas (yes xmas!) including Pretty Little Liars, Smash and Ugly Betty. I have also been getting through so many cups of tea I'm about to burst, I may have to switch to green or herbal. (Any suggestions?)

Basically what I’m saying is, although it has been weird adjusting to this newly given ‘free-time’, it’s awesome!
I will be blogging regularly over the next few months, and I’ll be sure to share with you my results day situation, so hopefully that will be a happy post *fingers crossed*.

I hope you’re all having a lovely Wednesday, and good luck to all of you with your exams/studies that you may be facing at the moment. Chin up and they’ll be over before you know it!

Lots of love,



  1. Hello, just wanted to say that I really love your blog, it's so pretty I especially like you name banner at the top, how did you make it or what font did you use?? good luck for results day, I'm sure you'll do amazingly! I was just wondering if you'd beable to do a post about revision or a levels as I'm interested in learning more about a level courses, especially french, and other revision and work techniques, don't feel you have to I just think it would be a really nice post!! I will defiantly continue reading and sharing your blog with friends :) have a good summer xx

    Link to my blog - (it's not very good yet - need to write more posts in Summer)

    1. Hiya Merrin, that's so nice of you to say! The title of my blog is in the font 'dancing script' which you can edit using the blogger 'advanced' tab.
      And yeah I'd love to do a post on my A-Level choices etc if you think that'd help, what else are you thinking of studying!? I'll probably do it either this month or next :)

      Thanks for all your kind words and I'll be sure to check your blog out now! xox


Thank you for leaving me a comment! I love reading each and every one and i will reply as soon as I can! Make sure to leave me a link so I will be able to check out your blog too! Love Rosie xox