Wednesday, 27 August 2014

DIY Lip Scrub

We all know that Lush do the best lip scrubs around, but personally I can’t afford to spend £5.50 each time I run out, when it seems like such a simple thing to make. So today my little sister Claire and I had a go ourselves and we were rather proud of the result, which I shall now share with you... 

You'll need: 
©    A small pot
©    2 teaspoons of granulated sugar
©    A spot of olive oil
©    A teeny drop of vanilla extract
©    Food colouring of your choice

And all you have do is mix them all together – easy right? It should turn out something like this:

I used an old Body Shop lippy pot

Don’t be worried about the food colouring dying your lips a different colour as you won’t have it on for more than a minute or just until you’re satisfied with the results!

Personally, I think this DIY lip scrub is the bomb, and I will definitely be reproducing this yummy lip product when it runs out.

So get scrubbing for smooth, soft lips!

Love Roseanne



  1. This is wonderful! :) definitely going to be giving this a go!

    Sarah xx

    1. Why thank you! Let me know how it turns out! :-)

      Roseanne xox


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