Tuesday 29 July 2014

Q&A: Dissolve in Scottish Rain // Liebster Award

I woke up this morning to find out that I'd been nominated by the lovely Katy from 'Dissolve in Scottish Rain' for a Liebster award! It's amazing to hear that other people appreciate and actually read your blog, and the aim of the Liebster award is to recognise and introduce new bloggers, which I think is lovely!

To find out the more about the the word Liebster click here - I did my research last time I was nominated!

Photo credit: Dissolve in Scottish Rain

The rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:
1 - Thank & link the blogger who nominated you.
2 - Give 11 random facts about yourself.
3 - Answer the 11 questions that they have written for you.
4 - Nominate other bloggers with under 200 followers who you believe deserve the award.
5 - Post 11  questions for your nominees to answer & be sure to let them know that they have been selected.

Ok, so now you know the basis of what's to come, I best crack on with 11 random facts about me . . 

1. I am a tea enthusiast. (i.e. i drink a lot of tea.)
2. I've been playing netball for 8 years now, and hope that i'll be able to join a University Team in September!
3. I am a neat-freak. Like seriously. Especially in my own bedroom, I can't even go to sleep knowing that my room is messy, so no matter what time it is, I have to tidy it.
4. My favourite tv series is Pretty Little Liars.
5. I would LOVE to live/work in Paris when i'm older - it's such beautiful city!
6. I'm really thankful to blogging, as I feel it has made me more confident as I used to be an extremely shy person.
7. I am a notebook hoarder. I have lost count of how many I have/have been given. For example, I'm in my bedroom right now and can see 8 just on my shelves. (that's not even including the rest of my room!)
8. My favourite perfume is J'adore Dior.
9. I work as a banqueting waitress at a local hotel.
10. I really want to go skiing again, I went a few years ago and loved it.
11. My favourite book is 'To kill a mockingbird.'

Ok. So if you're still with me, and feel like you want to know a little bit more about moi, keep scrolling for my Q&A with Katy.

1. What would be the name of your alter-ego?
I can't think of a name, but i think it'd be someone that I'm afraid to be i.e. confident but not too outspoken, someone who never worries, a risk-taker and just more playful in general.

2. If you could write a drama based on your life who would play YOU and your BEST FRIEND?
Tricky question! I love the actress 'Troian Bellisario', and even though she resembles me in no way at all, she can play me! And as for my best friend, I think that 'Zooey Deschanel' should play Megan, as they both really make me laugh and have quite distinct personalities.

3. What high-street shop is your kryptonite?
Hmmm ... this is actually quite tricky for me! I'd probably say Topshop. I apologise for how generic that is, but i get all my basics from there. And I'm loving their scalloped vest tops at the mo!

4. Where do you see yourself in 16 years (precise, I know)? 
Okaaaay, so in 16 years i will be *works out sum* 34! OMG! Ok so in 16 years I would like to be in a happy relationship, possibly married with children. I'd like to be working my way up the journalistic-working ladder, or possibly be freelancing! Oh and living somewhere cooler!

5. What are your blogger goals? 
To enjoy myself. Honestly, I started blogging for me. As an outlet to express myself, I don't know where it'll go but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Clothes all the way.

7. What is one trend that you will NEVER be able to get your head around?
Ok. Many people may hate me for saying this. But. .  . black leggings. I understand that they may be comfortable for at home or what ever, but when girls wear them with small crop-tops and trainers - I CANT STAND IT. And seriously, the majority of these leggings are see-through, so why would you voluntarily opt for that look? 

8. You're having a dinner party, you can invite three people - who?  (dead or alive / famous or friends) 
 - Julie Andrews
 - Helena Bonham Carter
 - Audrey Hepburn

9. If you could look into the future and see your life, would you do it?
I'd be tempted, but I wouldn't. It would ruin the surprise!

10. What's your most annoying feature?
I have a terrible habit of biting my nails when I'm stressed.

11. Who is your inspiration? 
My friends and family.

Lastly are the 9 lovely ladies that I would like to nominate:

1. Megan from Megan's Little Blog.
2. Camilla from a sensible heart.
4. Ruby from Total Modisch.
5. Beth from Alphabeth.
6. Alex from Fashion Nerdette.
7. Merrin from M is for Merrin.
8. Alice from Alice's Wonderland.
9. Ruth from The Ruth Way.

Ok and FINALLY. . my questions for these wonderful bloggers:

1. If you could wear one colour for the rest of your life what would it be?
2. Who is your dream partner? (book/film etc.)
3. What is your favourite season and why?
4. What is at the top of your bucket list?
5. Who do you aspire to be?
6. What is your favourite fashion era and why?
7. What is your most worn accessory?
8. What do you first notice about a person?
9. Tea or coffee?
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
11. Where are you happiest?

Thank you so much to Katy for the nomination - great questions! I really enjoyed answering them! 

Don't forget to check out all the girls' blogs from above as they are all wonderful, I read each and every one and think they all deserve some recognition! Be sure to leave me a comment below on what you thought of this post/my answers and if I've tagged you - leave me your link below so I can hear your answers!

Au revoir mes amis,

Love Roseanne

Sunday 27 July 2014

The British Tag!

I first saw this tag on Essie Button's youtube channel, and really enjoyed it, and I thought it’d be a good one to try since I am, well.. British! Although I do believe it was created by Sammi from The Beauty Crush, you can check out her video here

#tbt to the Alice in Wonderland cushion I made last year, I thought the quote was appropriate!              

So here goes . . . 

1.         How many cups of tea do you drink daily and how many sugars?
Hmmm, I’d say on a good day 5 and bad day i.e. a stuffy day, 3. But my record is 9! Yes I luuurve tea. I don’t have any sugars, and usually just add milk, but I do love a good cup o’black tea.

2.         What is your favourite part of a roast dinner?
The Yorkshire pudding. I mean, can you blame me? They’re so yummy, and even have the word ‘pudding’ in the title. I rest my case.

3.         What is your favourite dunking biscuit?
Hands down; the Rich Tea Finger. Nom nom nom! However, I would like to add that it does take a lot of skill to dunk with these biccys as they do break rather easily, but no bother, I have lots of experience hehe!

4.         Favourite quintessentially British pastime?
Picnicking! I do love a good picnic, and is this a typically British pastime? I don’t know? But either way picnics are great, especially in summer with your friends and family.

5.         Favourite Word?
 Ooh I have a few! I like the word 'bumble' which means 'to wander aimlessly' (as a verb). I also like the word 'agapé' which is greek, and represents the type of love shared between friends. And my favourite french word is 'étoile' which means 'star' - just in case you were wondering.

6.         Cockney rhyming Slang.
         Thanks to ‘The Logo Quiz’ game I now know that ‘Toblerone’ means ‘on your own’.

7.         Favourite Chocolate/Sweet?
I’m not such a big fan of chocolate but if I had to choose one it’d be the ‘Milkybar’ mmm white chocolate! And I guess my favourite sweet would be those bubblegum flavoured cola bottles that you get in pic-a-mix bags.

8.         What would your pub be called?
The paintpot. I think that’s quite cute, don’t you?

9.         Favourite British Person.
Of all time: Audrey Hepburn. Of the moment: Cara Delevingne (or Prince George - what a cutie!)

10.    Favourite shop/restaurant?
I’d say my favourite British shop would either be ‘Cath Kidston’ as it’s so original. OR it would be Harrods – because who doesn’t love Harrods?
My favourite restaurant would most likely be “Frankie and Benny’s” but I don’t think that’s British at all.

11.    What British song pops into your head?
Well I’ve had ‘Dog Days are Over’, by Florence and the Machine, in my head all day so let’s go with that!

12.    Marmite?
Unsure. I've never actually tried Marmite, although I have tried Marmite crisps but I wasn't too keen.

And that’s all for today! I hope you enjoyed this post just as much as I did. I tag Megan from Megan's Little Blog, Emma from ImagineLaceDragons and Alice from Alice's Wonderland, to do this tag as I'd love to see their answers. Make sure to check out their blogs too, because they're both lovely!

Ta ta for now,

Love Roseanne

Monday 21 July 2014

Casual OOTD

The weather was so nice the other day; sunny but not overly hot – my fave! And since the weather was agreeing with me for a change, I thought I’d take advantage of it and share with you my casual summer outfit! 

I didn’t have anything major planned, I just nipped into town with my little sister to run some errands and to check out the summer sales! 

What I'm Wearing:
Top – Topshop
Jeans – Topshop Leigh
Loafers – Monsoon/Accesorize
Necklace – My Granny’s!
Satchel- Primark
Sunglasses - Topshop
Earrings - Clothes Show Live'12

Let me know what you think of this outfit down below in the comments section, and don't forget to leave me a link to your blog or your favourites, as I'm always looking for new blogs to follow!

Hope you're all enjoying the summer sun,

Love Roseanne 

P.S Thanks to Claire for taking these photos - you're the best!

Saturday 19 July 2014

All Things Rosy's 1st Birthday!

Happy Birthday
'All Things Rosy'!

Believe it or not, today is my blog's first birthday! It’s crazy to think that I’ve been blogging for a whole year now! I’d like to think I’m starting to get the hang of it now, and that I post regularly.

Upon starting this blog I was extremely unsure. Unsure of what I would write about, unsure that anyone would actually read what I had to say and unsure about ‘blogging’ in general.

But I’ve come to find that the blogging community is very much like a family, and through my own blogging, I've found various other blogs that I absolutely adore!  And I’m super keen to meet some fellow bloggers – so if you fancy a little get together, let me know!

I think that starting this blog was one of the best decisions I've ever made, I've learned a bunch of new things, and also grown along side it. I'm so excited for what the next year of blogging will hold!

This blog has been a great outlet for me to share things with you, it’s also been a great way to document events and stages in my life e.g. my 18th birthday and my sixth form journey (which is now over - sob!)

It’s amazing to see that I have over 5000 page views after a year of blogging, it may not be loads compared to other blogs, but that is 5000 more than I could have ever dreamed for! So I’d like to say a big Thank You to each and every one of you who have ever visited ‘All Things Rosy’, and to those who comment too, as I love hearing back from you all.

Here are a few pics that you may recognise from various blogposts over the last year: 

If you have any suggestions for future posts, anything more you’d like to see or any comments in general, feel free to leave me a message below or tweet me @roseanne_sophia and I’ll be sure to get back to you asap.

Honestly, I wish I could give each and every one of you a big hug, as I wouldn’t be anywhere without the people who visit my blog, especially those of you who've stuck with me for a whole year – thank you so so much!

Lots and lots of blogger love,

From Roseanne


Friday 11 July 2014

A Floral Affair Lookbook

Today I thought I'd do a pretty summer lookbook, as it's summer and I haven't done one in a while!

Baby Blue Satchel - Topshop £28
Baby Pink Scallop Satchel - ASOS £14
Nude Ankle Buckle Heels - My 1st Wish £24.99

I thought this dress was so so pretty - especially for summer. It could also be worn with cute mary-jane flats for a more casual day-time look. Have a look on MFW if you're interested, as I recently discovered they have a great range of those geek/mary-jane/cut out/t-bar shoes which I absolutely adore - and to top it off they are all reasonably priced!

I have also included two satchels because I thought they were both suitable and really cute. Which do you prefer?

Hope you liked this post, let me know what you think down below (in the comments), I LOVE hearing from you!

Thanks for reading, 

Love Roseanne

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Lazy Days

A bit of a different post from me today, sort of a chatty life update that I thought I’d share with you.

It’s been almost 3 weeks since my final A-Level Exam and I think it’s safe to say that I am finding it hard to adjust to what I guess is now “normal life”. Not that I wasn’t living a normal life before… basically, I mean a life without school, revision, homework and that constant inkling in the back of your mind that you could be doing something more productive. Does that make sense?

Honestly, the last three weeks have gone by so fast I’m not really sure what I did. I mean, I’ve been working a lot (I waitress at a local hotel) which I suppose is great, as I’m earning money, but I feel like I’m fighting a battle with myself: to spend the money and enjoy myself or to start saving for uni.

Speaking of university, I am so scared about results day. I have no clue what I will see when I open that all-important envelope in almost a month’s time. And since I don’t have any other major plans this summer, it is constantly playing on my mind. What if I don’t get in? What if I do? Either way: everything is going to change.

For the last two/three months I have been revising like there is no tomorrow and it feels really odd to just stop. But since my exams have finished it is nice to be able to just sit back and relax at home, spend time with friends and just have those generic lazy days to myself.

I am finally able to dedicate a few hours reading Vogue and my other favourite magazines, as before, I would skim through them and postick articles that I wanted to read later, knowing that I would never get around to it. I am enjoying watching the TV box sets I got for Christmas (yes xmas!) including Pretty Little Liars, Smash and Ugly Betty. I have also been getting through so many cups of tea I'm about to burst, I may have to switch to green or herbal. (Any suggestions?)

Basically what I’m saying is, although it has been weird adjusting to this newly given ‘free-time’, it’s awesome!
I will be blogging regularly over the next few months, and I’ll be sure to share with you my results day situation, so hopefully that will be a happy post *fingers crossed*.

I hope you’re all having a lovely Wednesday, and good luck to all of you with your exams/studies that you may be facing at the moment. Chin up and they’ll be over before you know it!

Lots of love,
